A downloadable game

1. Summary

1) Experience using my animation engine system(include game object and graphics interfaces) and Pluto's collision system

I feel that my animation system is easy to use because I made the interface very easy and simple. And because we spend lots of time designed our game object and graphics interfaces, adding more features to objects is very easy. When I add Pluto's collision system, I worried that there will be some conflicts, but I figured that Pluto's engine is very easy to use and have no conflicts with mine engine. I add different shapes and different animation speeds, and the collision detection works all good.

2) Gameplay 

* Use there keys to control the game(Left Arrow, Down Arrow, and Right Arrow)

* When the objects hit the middle white line, the player should click the key.

* When the player clicks the key at the right time, the objects will turn red.

* Click the key on the wrong time few times, will cause a game over. ( All the objects will turn red and stop moving.)

2.  What I learned

I think the most important things I learned through this semester are how to design your code structure and always keep in mind that if the things I made(either a game or engine) is user/player-friendly. And I think I have a better understanding of how to design a good interface to let other's use my code after this final assignment. After trying to use other's code, I learned that it is so important to not only make it works but easy for others to understand and use as well.


FinalGame.zip 378 kB

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