A downloadable game

1.  Gameplay screenshot

2.  Binary geometry file

1)  example pic

Data order : vertexCount(Blue), indexCount(Green), vertexArray(Yellow) , indexArray(Red)

2) the order of the four data

My order of the four data are vertexCount, indexCount, vertexArray and indexArray. I choose this order, because I know whatever the model changes, the vertexCount and indexCount will be the same size(size of int or unit16_t). So I put these two fix-sized data in the front. And by knowing the vertexCount and indexCount, then I can make the array later.

3) Tell us at least two advantages of using binary file formats

I think the first advantage is that the binary file is smaller. For games, for most of the situations, the smaller the better, because binary file load faster. The second advantage is that use binary file can change platforms easily.

3.  Tell us whether the built binary geometry files should be the same or different for the different platforms

I think the lua source file should be the same, but the built binary geometry files should not be the same(the index data should be left handed or right handed).  

4. Extract the four pieces of data from binary data at run-time 

5.  Human-readable file and  binary file

1) The human-readable file is 130 MB, and the binary file is 57.2 MB. ( I made a model that has 681651 vertexes.)

2) The time for human-readable file is 1 seconds, and the time for binary file is 0.000693 seconds.


MyGame_Assignment08.zip 339 kB

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